The following scholars have provided comments, advice and content for East India Company, for which AM is very grateful:


Dr Nicholas Abbott
Old Dominion University

Professor Crispin Bates
University of Edinburgh

Dr Kate Boehme
University of Leicester

Professor H. V. Bowen
Swansea University

Dr Jonathan Eacott
University of California, Riverside

Professor Betty Joseph
Rice University

Dr Jagjeet Lally
University College London

Professor Andrea Major
University of Leeds

Dr Margaret Makepeace
British Library

Dr John McAleer
University of Southampton

Dr Antonia Moon
British Library

Professor Douglas Peers
University of Waterloo

Professor Philip Stern
Duke University

Professor Kim Wagner
Queen Mary, University of London


We would also like to acknowledge and thank the following academics for contributing essays, videos, and guides to this resource:


Dr Penny Brook
British Library

Dr Mark Brown
University of Sheffield

Dr Titas Chakraborty
Duke Kunshan University

Dr Sam Ellis
University of Leeds

Anthony Farrington
British Library

Professor Cheryl Fury
University of New Brunswick Saint John

Adimaya Keni
Birkbeck, University of London

Professor Beverly Lemire
University of Alberta

Dr Guido van Meersbergen
University of Warwick

Dr Rochisha Narayan
University of Central Florida

Dr Parimala V. Rao
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Professor Teresa Segura-Garcia
Pompeau Fabra University

Dr David Veevers
Bangor University

Dr Fiona Williamson
Singapore Management University

Dr Anna Winterbottom
McGill University